Language Arts
You can use Red Grammer's music to jump start brain connections, fire up imaginations, and give emotional context to ideas. The beautiful musical textures and rich imagery of the songs listed below make great launching points for creative writing sessions. Here's an example of how to use Red's song, "Down The Do Re Mi" to naturally draw children into a writing mode:
1. Play the song to set a mood.
2. Question: "How did it make you feel?"
3. "Web" brainstorm- the lyric "a sunny day"
4. Then have them jot down thoughts about "your perfect day"
5. Have them listen to the song again (important)
6. Now write a rough draft on the subject of "Your Perfect Day"
Other great songs to stimulate creative writing:
Land of the Silver Birch- Describe your favorite place in nature...
Me and the Morning- Have you ever been the first one awake in your house? How did the stillness make you feel?
Down By The Sea- Write about your favorite day at the beach or the lake or the pool
Dreamtime Rendezvous- Falling asleep with your family by the light of the moon... how would that make you feel?
Hooray For The World- What is your favorite thing in the world?
Big Rock Candy Mountain- If you could have any animal in the world for a pet, what would it be?